Three weeks before her first birthday Chloe took her first steps. We are so proud. Just in time to be the flower girl for her Aunt Britni's wedding. We have had so much fun trying to get her to walk. We would take her to our long hallway upstairs before bed and let her try out her skills. Funny how we can't wait for her to walk but I know this is going to open up a whole new can of worms. The house will never be the same again. haha
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
First Summer Vacation for Chloe
So as you can see I didn't keep up since the last post. However, my goal is to get this blog updated so I can start sharing pregnancy news and more up to date info on Chloe.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Five Months old today

My sweet baby girl is five months old today. I haven't been very good about keeping her blog updated but I plan to change that. I am now staying home and will have more time to keep family and friends updated about our lovely Chloe. These last five months have gone so fast. I want her to stay young forever but she is determined to reach each milestone as fast as she can. She is growing up and prefers to be held sitting up. She doesn't want to lay down like a baby she likes to sit up with support and see the world around her. If you lay her back she will strain to it up. She is very determined. Chloe is working on crawling and can scoot and do the army crawl. Her butt is also going up in the air to help her move. One of my favorite things about Chloe is her smile. She smiles all the time. Right now it's a gummy smile but soon she will have a tooth or two. She drools quite alot and I have to keep a bib on her everyday so her outfit doesn't get soaked. She loves to suck on anyones hand that gets close enough to her mouth, so watch out. We first gave her cereal to eat on 3/3/11. She was not liking it to much and more came out than went in. ha ha. She made a few faces because she didn't like the texture or taste. After continuing to go through the motions she now gets excited when we put her in her high chair and she opens her mouth ready to eat. Soon we can try fruits and veggies. Yummm! We are also going start working on sign language so she can tell me "more" and "all done" TO CHLOE: Mommy and Daddy love you so much. Daddy's favorite thing to do is to sing Fireworks to you by Katy Perry and to point to you and say Chloe, then point to himself and say Daddy. He does this over and over and over, every day. He is over the moon with you and he can't wait to see you everyday when he comes home from work. You are light of our life. I can't wait to spend this precious time with you and I am looking forward to spening time summer exploring new things. We will go to the pool and zoo and the playground. I can't wait to see you enjoy yourself.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Chloe Anne Arrives
Chloe arrived on October 28th, 2010 at 8 :07 A.M. She weighed 6 lbs and 4 oz. and was 18 and 3/4 inches long. Her Apgar score was a 9 both times. She had no problems with the C-section I ended up having because she was breech. The Dr. tried to turn her manually four times but she was not budging. She is strong girl.
We stayed in the hospital for four days to recooperated. I started to nurse her an hour after she was born. Clint go to go to the nursery with her right after they delivered her. He held her little hand while her Apgar scores were taken and she was cleaned off. Once I was finshed with surgery, I got to reunite with Clint and Chloe back in our room.
We had two sets of family come in to visit after we spent some alone time with our new bundle of joy. Clint's parents and my dad came back to see her. Then my mom, Clint's brother Trevor and my best friend Kim came back to see her. We had lots of visitors the whole four days we were at the hospital. Clint's boss Penny and her daughter Miranda. Shannon and her husband, Pete, Eden and Bethany from our church, Eddie our pastor, and Carrie my co-worker and friend. I was so grateful for the visitors and all the gifts they brought to our little Chloe.
The nurses, nursery workers and lactation specialists at the hospital were great. It was a rough 24 hours with the c-section recovery. I have never had surgery before then and was not sure what to expect. The nurses walked me through everything and helped me through being connected to all the wires and IV.
Clint was also wonderful during the whole process. He seemed to go a little white as we were whisked off to the OR for the c-section. He looked cute in the scrubs. He was very supportive to me and then was right there for Chloe and stayed with her since the moment she was born. He spent every night with me in the hospital pull out chair which I know was not comfortable. He helped me in and out of bed and even rubbed lotion on my legs one day. He would assist me with burping Chloe after feedings which is now one of his bonding times with her since it hurts to hold her a certain way with the c-section and evergrowing chest area. He gave me a push present the day before we went into the hospital. He gave me my favorite cake from my favorite bakery. I am glad he is happy to be a dad and I know he will be the best dad ever.
Oh and he says we need to take a picture of Chloe every Thursday. I said that was a good idea and then he said till she is 18. I said that may not work but he was kinda serious. I can just see her telling her friends she can't go out Thurs. nights because she had to get her picture taken. lol
I am also very grateful to my dad and Clint's parents who came to town for the birth. They stayed at our home while we were in the hospital and came to visit every day for most of the day during our four day stay. It was nice to have my dad around and he was very caring toward me and loved spending time with granddaughter number 2. He is a sucker for girls. I still call him Daddy and I am 31. Clint's parents are still at the house helping us with laundry cooking and holding Chloe, their favorite thing of the three to do. Things would definately have been rougher this first week if they had not been here.
Chloe continue to do well the first first few days at home. Her first Dr's appt was today (details to come later) and the doctor gave her all kinds of compliments. She is doing great.
She has made it through the first week with flying colors. She had many of her firsts this week also. First smile, bath, tummy time, swing ride and bouncy seat ride. I will post pics of these and also you can see pictures of Chloe from birth till now on the shutterfly website her grandama put together for her.
We stayed in the hospital for four days to recooperated. I started to nurse her an hour after she was born. Clint go to go to the nursery with her right after they delivered her. He held her little hand while her Apgar scores were taken and she was cleaned off. Once I was finshed with surgery, I got to reunite with Clint and Chloe back in our room.
We had two sets of family come in to visit after we spent some alone time with our new bundle of joy. Clint's parents and my dad came back to see her. Then my mom, Clint's brother Trevor and my best friend Kim came back to see her. We had lots of visitors the whole four days we were at the hospital. Clint's boss Penny and her daughter Miranda. Shannon and her husband, Pete, Eden and Bethany from our church, Eddie our pastor, and Carrie my co-worker and friend. I was so grateful for the visitors and all the gifts they brought to our little Chloe.
The nurses, nursery workers and lactation specialists at the hospital were great. It was a rough 24 hours with the c-section recovery. I have never had surgery before then and was not sure what to expect. The nurses walked me through everything and helped me through being connected to all the wires and IV.
Clint was also wonderful during the whole process. He seemed to go a little white as we were whisked off to the OR for the c-section. He looked cute in the scrubs. He was very supportive to me and then was right there for Chloe and stayed with her since the moment she was born. He spent every night with me in the hospital pull out chair which I know was not comfortable. He helped me in and out of bed and even rubbed lotion on my legs one day. He would assist me with burping Chloe after feedings which is now one of his bonding times with her since it hurts to hold her a certain way with the c-section and evergrowing chest area. He gave me a push present the day before we went into the hospital. He gave me my favorite cake from my favorite bakery. I am glad he is happy to be a dad and I know he will be the best dad ever.
Oh and he says we need to take a picture of Chloe every Thursday. I said that was a good idea and then he said till she is 18. I said that may not work but he was kinda serious. I can just see her telling her friends she can't go out Thurs. nights because she had to get her picture taken. lol
I am also very grateful to my dad and Clint's parents who came to town for the birth. They stayed at our home while we were in the hospital and came to visit every day for most of the day during our four day stay. It was nice to have my dad around and he was very caring toward me and loved spending time with granddaughter number 2. He is a sucker for girls. I still call him Daddy and I am 31. Clint's parents are still at the house helping us with laundry cooking and holding Chloe, their favorite thing of the three to do. Things would definately have been rougher this first week if they had not been here.
Chloe continue to do well the first first few days at home. Her first Dr's appt was today (details to come later) and the doctor gave her all kinds of compliments. She is doing great.
She has made it through the first week with flying colors. She had many of her firsts this week also. First smile, bath, tummy time, swing ride and bouncy seat ride. I will post pics of these and also you can see pictures of Chloe from birth till now on the shutterfly website her grandama put together for her.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Maternity photos
We got a CD with 250 pics but these are the ones that stood out. lol Okay so having problems downloading pics. Stay tuned...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Clint's work baby shower

Clint's co-workers threw him a baby shower today. He had to wear a purple bandanna like a bib and a multi colored lay. He also had to drink his Dr. Pepper out of a bottle. I would have killed to be a fly on the wall. But instead I got some pics. Here you go for your viewing pleasure!! lol
Sorry they are sideways, that is how Clint sent them to me.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Baby Showers
I have had a few showers over the past few months. I am so grateful to the friends and family that have thrown these showers. I had a church shower this past weekend thrown by my friends Eden and Bethany. I had a shower in VA thrown by my dad and step mom with some great party favors by my sister in law Nicole. I had a shower in August, thrown by my best friends, Shannon, Kim and Jennifer. All three showers were awesome. I
had great guests and got great gifts for Chloe. Here are some pictures of my chruch shower this weekend.
Halloween ??
So the due date is about 5 weeks away. We are due on October 30th so I couldn't let this Halloween pass without making Chloe her first Halloween costume. Hopefully she will cooperate and arrive the last week of October and placing her in the costume will be perfect. So if you couldn't tell from the picture she will be our little ladybug. This homemade outfit was made by her mother with some creative suggestions from her dad. I hope you like it...
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